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Smoke Detector Requirements in Massachusetts & BRK Specials


In search of a new smoke detector?

When it comes to purchasing a smoke or carbon monoxide detector there are several Massachusetts requirements to keep in mind. BRK has helped list some things to think about when buying your next detector.

There are two types of smoke detectors:

1) Ionization – Has always been the least expensive and while ionization is good for fast flaming fires, it is not as sensitive to slow smoldering fires that can sometimes emit a lot of deadly smoke before it progresses to a flaming fire. There are also significant false alarms when placed too close to kitchens or full bathrooms due to cooking smoke or shower steam

2) Photoelectric Alarms – Although you’ll pay a little more, they do detect the slow smoldering fires as well as the fast flaming fires.

*For these reasons the Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that Photoelectric alarms be installed in areas that are 20′ or less to a kitchen or full bath.

*While the typical 3 to 4 bedroom home does not have too many areas that are not within the 20’, most electrical contractors will use photoelectric throughout the home so that the requirement doesn’t come into question.

Massachusetts requirements for smoke detector placement:

1) A smoke alarm is required on every level of the home.

2) They are also required in each bedroom or sleeping area.

* If the home was built after 1975 or substantially renovated the alarms must be hardwired with a battery back up and interconnected, so if one alarm sounds, they all sound. Recommended – BRK 7010B.

* If the house is pre 1975, battery only units are suitable.

Requirements for Carbon monoxide detectors:

1) They are required on every level.

2) If outside a bedroom area, they cannot be more than 40′ apart.

* For convenience and to save ceiling space, a combination carbon monoxide, smoke alarms are used.

* The requirement in Massachusetts is that these combination alarms must have voice in addition to the 85 decibels alarms.

* Again there is the photoelectric requirement on the smoke side. The BRK SC7010BV meets all the requirements.

What sets BRK Brand apart?

1) The unique features of BRK are that the 7010B and SC7010BV are similar looking, which gives a consistent design.

2) The SC7010BV will not only tell you whether there’s a smoke or a carbon monoxide event, but it can also tell you the room location and how much carbon monoxide has been detected.

3) A unique wireless line of smoke, CO, and combination alarms that can enhance the safety of the homeowner’s family without running additional wiring. This feature is greatly beneficial in older homes.

4) BRK alarms all have an exclusive latching feature, which means a light will continue to flash on the initiating alarm so the homeowner or contractor can identify that alarm.


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